Monday 23rd March, 2020 @ 8pm (GMT)
(When the kids are off to bed!)
With the coronavirus shutting down schools, most children are at home with parents picking up the slack, and not sure what to do and what to make of the situation.
We’ve organised a free webinar on YouTube for those who find themselves in these circumstances, with Shaikh Mohammed Nizami, an independent London-based scholar, who also has a PGCE (Institute of Education, UCL) and has homeschooled (under the tutelage of his wife!) for a number of years.
Are you thinking about your kid’s schooling? Do you feel overwhelmed with the idea of taking responsibility for their education? Do you want them to be productive during this difficult period of isolation, but not sure how? How can you infuse godliness and faith into the philosophy of their education?
The webinar covers some introductory themes and points of consideration for those isolating with their kids. It’s not for homeschoolers, it’s for those who find themselves in this situation temporarily.
Subscribe to the official YouTube page (Nizami Sessions) to join the webinar and keep in the know for upcoming videos – click here